Clients Area
Clients Area
You cannot have operate a website without a domain name!
You have two choices for your domain name:
   Register a new .com, .net, .org, .info and etc. domain with us.
   Transfer over any existing domain name to us (hosting with us only or hosting and registering your domain with us).
Some things to know about domain names:
   You don't need to add the "www." in front. By default, all domains hosted with us will work at both and
   Domains can't be longer than 67 characters (including the .com) and can't have spaces or underscores in them.
Register a new domain with us.
If you choose to register a new domain with us, you should just enter it in the input field, select the "register" option, and click the submit button. If the domain is already taken, you'll be given an error message and allowed to try another domain. If you own a domain already, just use the "transfer" option to continue on.
Transfer a domain hosting to us.
We can host any valid Internet domain on our servers, no matter what country code or top-level domain they are from! No matter what domain type it is, you need to change your nameservers with your registrar to be the following when you are ready to host your domain with AlliedHosting:
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